


Curriculum Intent


Please click on the link below to read our Curriculum Intent Statement 

At Lydlynch Infant  School we are transforming our curriculum. Leaders are designing the curriculum to develop the academic, physical and emotional well-being of pupils.  The curriculum is planned to be sequential and coherent. It is progressive so it builds on pupils’ previous knowledge and skills. Skills are embedded and therefore can be transferred in a variety of contexts. The curriculum is designed in this way so knowledge is secure in pupils’ long term memory. The curriculum relates to the specific social context of the school and the cultural capital we develop ensures that we will not only inspire but also challenge our pupils in their learning. 

We feel passionately about providing a theme based curriculum where individual subjects are interwoven into our daily learning and where children’s interests can mould and shape the learning experiences we provide.


Long Term Curriculum Plans 2024-25


If you would like to know what your child is learning please speak to your child's class teacher.

If you want to learn more about the National Curriculum please click on this link.
