Year R
Week beginning 6th January
It has been lovely to welcome the children back after their Christmas break. This week we've read Stickman and imagined what different things our sticks could become. We have also been discussing the different seasons, focusing on the key features of winter. In maths we've been ordering and counting numbers to 20.
Week beginning 16th December
We are so proud of Rabbits and Owls for their Nativity performance. We enjoyed a festive week of crafts, creating our own Christingle and a yummy Christmas lunch with music! We hope you have a restful Christmas and look forward to seeing all the children in January.
Week beginning 9th December
Rabbits and Owls have been rehearsing for their Nativity performance. We are so proud of all the effort they've put into their performance and the children can't wait to perform next week. We had a great time showing off our Christmas hats at the parade and loved seeing how creative all the children had been!
Week beginning 2nd December
Rabbits and Owls have been getting festive! We met the elf from the North Pole and had the grand opening of the elf workshop and Christmas bakery. The children have enjoyed making Christmas crafts and seeing what the elf has been getting up to!
Week beginning 25th November
This week, Year R became the Hickory Dickory Dock clock! We listened to the nursery rhyme first and we all knew it really well! We then each became the mouse and when the time on the clock was called, we jumped to the corresponding number in time to the music, and then ran down the clock afterwards. It was so funny and we did a brilliant job at recognising our numbers!
Week beginning 18th November
This week we have been exploring the skill of painting! We talked about how to create different effects by using different sized brushes and different ways of applying the brush - dabbing, swiping and dotting. We also spoke about the importance of scraping the excess paint off our brushes each time we dipped. We used these skills to create a picture of ‘Incy Wincy Spider’. We did an amazing job!
Week beginning 11th November
Rabbits and Owls have had a fantastic week exploring nursery rhymes. We used our imagination to create our own Incy Wincy spider puppets ready for our performance. Rabbits and Owls enjoyed a trip to the local library where we explored some of the books and enjoyed copying the actions and singing some nursery rhymes!
Week beginning 4th November
Happy Diwali! The children celebrated the festival of light by listening to music and dancing. Rabbits and Owls were very creative and used their imagination to make their own diya lamp. The children have been thinking outside the box to create their own rangoli patterns using different resources such as chalk and fabric.
Week beginning 21st October
Rabbits and Owls thoroughly enjoyed showing their parents/carers their maps of the Year R area. The children followed their maps carefully to show their parents/carers their favourite areas in the environment where they like to learn.
Week beginning 14th October
Rabbits and Owls have been great mathematicians this week! Muddles and Calvin the counting cow needed help to count to 10 as they kept getting in a muddle! The children persevered to count out 10 objects. Can you find and count 10 objects at home?
Week beginning 7th October
Rabbits and Owls went on a sound walk around the wider school environment. We predicted what different sounds we may hear around the school. We heard lots of different sounds including telephones, children playing, and the kitchen cooking our lunch! The children discovered that the closer you got to the sound, the louder it became!
Week beginning 30th September
Owls and Rabbits had a fantastic afternoon with our athlete visitor, gymnast, Kelly Simm! She talked to us about her sport, how she persevered to be her best and competing for Great Britain. We also got to see her gold medal! We’ve been amazed by everyone’s fundraising efforts, there’s still a week left for any more donations!
Week beginning 23rd September
Rabbits and Owls have been super sorters this week. We had collected some shells, pine cones and leaves and had a go at sorting them. We first chose to sort our objects into shells and then not shells. We worked together to assess our objects and choose which hoop our objects should go in. We then had a try at sorting the objects into colours. I wonder if you could have a try at sorting at home? Can you sort your toys?
Week beginning 16th September
Year R have been amazing artists creating their own self-portraits. The children had to look very carefully in the mirror at our features and choose the correct paint for their skin, hair and facial features.
Week beginning 9th September
We've had an amazing first week in school together settling in, learning new routines and school rules. We all signed our Class Charter with our hand prints.
In school and during our Jigsaw PSHE sessions we agree to:
- all take turns to speak
- use kind positive words
- listen to each other
- have the right to pass when sharing
- only use names when giving compliments or being positive
- respect each others privacy