

Year R

Curriculum Learning Journeys 2023-2024

Where shall we go? (Summer 1)

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Why do spiders make webs? (Spring 2)

Still image for this video

What's that sound? (Spring 1)

Still image for this video

What could it be? (Autumn 2)

Still image for this video

How is bread made? (Autumn 1)

Still image for this video

Curriculum Learning Journeys 2022-2023

How are we all different ? (Summer 2)

Still image for this video

How do spiders make webs? (Spring 2)

Still image for this video

What's that sound? (Spring 1)

Still image for this video

Who could it be? (Autumn 2)

Still image for this video

How Do we make bread? (Autumn 1)

Still image for this video