Safeguarding our children
At Lydlynch we hold the view that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. At all times, every adult should consider what is in the best interests of the child.
We ensure a safe culture is created in our school by training our staff so they understand how to avoid vulnerable situations. All staff and volunteers at Lydlynch Infant School receive an induction to ensure they understand the school's policies and procedures. This is reviewed annually to keep everyone abreast of developments.
The school has a code of conduct policy which includes low level concerns. This supports adults in identifying the differences between harm thresholds and inappropriate adult behaviours. These policies guide staff in how to raise concerns which creates an open and transparent school culture.
Building an Ethos of Safeguarding Children
All staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities. The school's 'Safeguarding Principles and Responsibilities' documents support staff in following the advice set out in the school's Child Protection Policy, Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023), Working Together to Safeguarding Children (2018) and The Prevent Duty (2015). Staff receive regular safeguarding training and safeguarding is a standing meeting agenda item.
The school has two Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL's). The Headteacher Sophie Millington, is the appointed DSL and in her absence Carol Whitmarsh (SLT) is the DDSL. DSL's are available at all times. All staff know how to report concerns and are aware of the signs of abuse and neglect. Any concerns are always addressed and/or investigated. The school works closely with other professionals because we understand that in order to gain insight into children's needs, a multi-agency approach is essential.
Our children are taught how to keep safe as part of the safeguarding curriculum.
At Lydlynch Infant School we listen to children and always take swift action to ensure all children are safe.