Key Stage 1
KS1 have continued their learning about Florence Nightingale. We thought of words to describe her and also looked at the positive changes she made to Scutari Hospital.
We started our new topic, Everyday Heroes, this week. After discussing what we think a ‘hero’ is, we read the story, ‘The Knight Who Wouldn’t Fight’ and wrote sentences about him using the ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ suffix. We then were ‘visited’ by Florence Nightingale where she told us all about herself and why she is famous… We asked her questions to learn more. Following on from this, we have continued to learn facts and information about Florence Nightingale in History and the changes she introduced to nursing.
This week, we went on a walk around Totton. We were looking for human features and landmarks in Totton such as the War Memorial. We then created maps to show the route we took and what we saw. Also, we were very lucky to have a music assembly with iRock, introducing us to a variety of instruments and playing them, too. In English, we have been looking at the 'ed' suffix and how we add this to root words to change them from present tense to past tense.
Week beginning 21st October
This week, we have been writing autumn poems using a variety of adjectives. We thought about the things we may see, hear, feel and smell during autumn time. In Art, we then painted our autumnal tree in our school playground, mixing primary colours to achieve the required colours.
Week Beginning 7th October 2024
This week the children have enjoyed using cubes and decimetre strips to measure items in the classroom. They first had to estimate the length in centimetres and then measure it to check how close their estimates had been.
Week beginning 23rd September 2024
This week the children have thought of some lovely questions to ask our visitor about the cars he had in the past.
Week beginning 16th September 2024
This week the children had an amazing morning when Locks Heath Classic Cars came to visit and show the children cars from the past.
Week beginning 9th September 2024
The children enjoyed using their DT skills practicing cutting, hulling, peeling and segmenting fruit ready for making fruit salads next week.
Week beginning 2nd September 2024
The children had fantastic start to the new academic year by having a visit from Morrison to try some fruit tasting for their topic '5 is the Magic Number'.