


W/C 24.6.24


The children had a brilliant computing session this week, we learnt how to write and debug an algorithm whilst navigating the Beebots through a variety of mazes. It occupied us for the whole afternoon, the children were very resilient as they had to debug their algorithms lots!

w/c 17.6.24


What a fantastic crafty week Badgers have had. It has been so lovely seeing the children so engrossed in designing and making their pirate badges. I was particularly impressed with how resilient the children were trying their hand at sewing for the first time, everybody gave it a really good go!

W/C 10/6/24


Well what a week it's been! From pirate drama workshops, to puppet shows, learning to sew and everything in between!

Badgers have worked extremely hard this week, they have learned lot's about Captain Cook and his explorations and have even started learning how to sew a running stitch!

Great Work all round!

Week commencing 13.5.24


Badgers have had a fabulous week exploring our new topic 'Music Around the World' from live performances including a trumpet, acoustic guitar and clarinet to a fun filled afternoon of dancing and percussion instrument playing. It has been lovely to see the joy that music has bought to the class!

Week commencing 6.5.24


Badgers have been amazing authors this week and have produced some brilliant versions of our topic book 'Miranda the Castaway'. We have also had some fabulous PE sessions this week where we have practised our running skills during both relay races and hurdling, their was lots of support and teamship on display.

Well done Badgers!


Week commencing - 22.4.24


Badgers have been very busy investigating this week, firstly we explored different materials and their properties and then we really enjoyed experimenting with making different shelter structures out on the field. Finally we conducted a science investigation to look at which materials were waterproof ready to design and make our own shelters next week.

W/C - 15.4.24


Badgers have been inspired by our new topic 'Miranda the Castaway' this week. We began the week stranded on a desert island with only a tarpaulin for shelter! It was very windy and at times we thought our shelter might blow away! As the week has progressed the children have explored the story more resulting in some beautiful writing in the form of messages in bottles and descriptive pieces about Miranda's surroundings. What a busy first week back!

Week commencing 11.3.24:


Badgers finished up our Spring topic by mind mapping all the words we could think of that reminded us of spring. These were then used to inspire our acrostic poem writing. We also did a piece of writing to explain how the weather changes in spring and how this helps the plants to grow.

Week commencing 4.3.24.


Badgers had a wonderful World Book Day this week. It was so lovely to see such a wide variety of costumes. The children had lots of fun designing their own book covers, spotting book characters in pictures and being detectives during a fun book hunt in the library!

Week Commencing 26.2.24.


We have been discovering our inner artist this week in Badgers. The children have been experimenting with using line to make texture and tone in readiness for our observational drawing work next week. We also  really enjoyed drawing the images that came into our heads when we were listening to the poem 'I wondered lonely as a cloud' by William Wordsworth.

Week Commencing 19.2.24:


Badgers enjoyed getting back to nature this week to kick off our new topic all about Spring. We managed to pick the one dry day this week to get outside and have a good hunt around for some of the early signs of spring. We were surprised to see lots of spring flowers starting to emerge already! 

Week-commencing 29.1.24

We had a fantastic time meeting a variety of pets this week. The pets and the children were all very well behaved and we learnt lots by asking questions that we had written!

Thank you to everyone that gave up their time to talk to us about their animals.

Week Commencing 22.1.24:


Badgers have been demonstrating our learning value Team Player this week whilst exploring fractions in Maths.

We used our listening skills and took turns whilst exploring how many different ways you could shade fractions of different shapes.

Week commencing: 15.1.24


Badgers had a wonderful time when we joined with Foxes to go to the Children's Concert in Southampton.

We were lucky enough to hear an orchestra perform a variety of music including 'Libertango' and even the 'Can-Can'!

What a wonderful morning!

Week commencing 8.1.24


We enjoyed exploring tempo in Music this week. The children worked in small groups using a variety of percussion instruments to compose pieces of music with varying tempos, they then performed these to the rest of the class.

Week commencing 3.1.24.


This week the children have begun exploring our new “Once upon a time” topic by reading the story of Cinderella. We were very excited to receive a royal invitation to watch the pantomime on Monday. We began to discover what a monarch is in our history work and have also been investigating the rules for rounding numbers to the nearest 10 in our maths work.

Welcome to Badgers Class 2023-2024



Welcome to Badgers!

Badgers is a year 2 class and our teacher is Miss Ginn, we also have Mrs Broderick, Mrs Brown and Miss Allwright as our teaching assistants.

We have lots of room on our working walls ready to document our topic and maths learning journeys throughout the year. Badgers also has a lovely enchanted forest themed reading area for us all to enjoy.

Finally don’t forget to check out our very own wall of fame - our WOW wall!

In Badgers we aim to be team players as well as being creative, independent, resilient members of our school community.
