


Welcome to Owls Class 2023-2024


Owls is a Year R classroom and our teacher is Mrs Clements with Mrs Binns and Mrs Daniels being our teaching assistants. We are very lucky in Year R to have an outdoor learning space as well as our classroom for our discovery time. We have time to chose our own activities as well as having guided tasks with the adults. Throughout the week we also complete two guided writing and Maths jobs.


In Owls we link our learning to our learning values to develop ourselves to be independent, resilient, creative and a fantastic team player! 

Week Beginning 10th June 2024

We enjoyed our friendship day and the visit from Hazel Wood children. We read the book Elmer and created our own class Elmer to celebrate differences and also created some special friendship bracelets. 

Week Beginning 3rd June 2024


This week we have enjoyed reading Handa’s Surprise. We discussed different ways we could carry the fruit safely to Akeyo and designed our own fruit baskets. We carefully looked at the fruits to see the colours we could see and some of us used straw to collage our baskets to give texture. 

Week Beginning 20th May 2024

This week we have enjoyed music week. We researched music from Brazil then planned and designed our own carnival masks ready for our performance. 


Week Beginning 13th May 2024



As an introduction to music week we were very lucky to have grown ups in to show us the instruments they play. We loved listening to the different sounds and how to play them and even enjoyed a sing along too! Lots of us have said we would like to learn an instrument ourselves. 

Week Beginning 6th May 2024



This week we enjoyed using bean bags in PE. We started with target practice and using an under arm throw. We were so good at this we then tried balancing the bean bag on our head and having a relay race in teams. For PSHE we had a mindful meditation session and thought of ways to help us calm whenever we feel angry or cross. 

Week Beginning 29th April 2024



This week we have started practising for sports day and we focused on the hurdles this week. We enjoyed using our ‘pumping arms’ to help us go faster and to jump over the hurdles.


Week Beginning 22nd April 2024



This week we have been reading the story ‘The Sea Saw’ and researched under the sea. We were creative and made our own sea creatures using a variety of resources. 

Week Beginning 15th April 2024



This week we have been looking at the changes with Spring arriving. We have been looking at books about flowers and planted our own seeds. We learnt all the things the seed needs to grow into a plant. We have kept them by the window to ensure they get enough light and will water them. 

Week Beginning 25th March 2024

This week we have been completing some Easter crafts and made some very special cards to take home. We also really enjoyed our Easter bonnet parade with our fantastic hats! Well done Owls for all your hard work this term and we hope you have a lovely holiday with your families! From Mrs Clements, Mrs Binns and Mrs Daniels 😊

Week Beginning 18th March 2024


This week in PE we have been finishing our animal dances. We sequenced three moves for the safe animal to create our dance. We wonder if you can guess some of our animals?

Week Beginning 11th March 2024


We had a very exciting delivery this week! A farmer delivered some eggs for us to look after and we have had some ducklings hatch! We cannot wait to help look after them and watch them grow before they go back to the farm next week!

Week Beginning 4th March 2024


We enjoyed celebrating world book day this week and dressed up as characters from our favourite stories!

Week Beginning 26th February 2024


This week we have enjoyed going on a bug hunt outside. We were very lucky to find lots of insects in the garden. We also enjoyed finding bugs hidden in the environment and writing them on our list. 

Week Beginning 19th February 2024

This week we have started our dance topic in PE. We loved thinking of different ways to move to different genres of music! 

Week Beginning 5th February 2024

This week in PSHE we discussed our goals and dreams. We thought of the jobs we would like to be when we are older! 

Week Beginning 29th January 2024



This week we enjoyed being pirates to play pop up pirates to balance objects on each other to see if any would fall off. We also enjoyed our grown ups coming into school to help with our noisy orchestra and making instruments together!

Week Beginning 22nd January 2024

This week after reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears we made our own porridge and tested each one to see which was our favourite. We also enjoyed creating new houses for the three bears and using the BeeBots to programme them to get back to the cottage. 

Week beginning 15th January 2024

We have been busy being creative this week after reading ‘Lost and Found’. We used our imaginations to create our own boats and to pack a suitcase for an adventure to the South Pole. We made connections making our boats by testing materials to see if they were waterproof or not. 

Week Beginning 8th January 2024


This week we have been creative and a bit messy and explored mixing colours using paint. We also explored outside with the cold weather and found lots of things had turned to ice and frost. We discussed how cold it was in the arctic linking to ‘Polar Bear Polar Bear’.


Week Beginning 3rd January 2024 

This week in Owls we discussed our new learning values poster and looked at our two values for this half term. We spoke about the words we are learning and how this makes us creative and a good team player. We also enjoyed our pen disco and focused on drawing squares and straight lines. 
