


Welcome to Rabbits Class 2023-2024


Welcome to Rabbits Class!


Rabbits class is a Year R classroom and our teacher is Miss Harvey with Mrs Thomas being our teaching assistant. We are very lucky in Year R to have an outdoor learning space as well as our classroom for our discovery time. We have time to choose our own activities as well as having guided tasks with the adults. Throughout the week we also complete two guided writing and Maths jobs.


In Rabbits we link our learning to our learning values to develop ourselves to be independent, resilient, creative and a fantastic team player! 

Week beginning 24/06/24


Rabbits have enjoyed exploring shape. Using a variety of shapes, we composed our own shapes and were very creative to make our own 2D pictures using different shapes. 


Miss Harvey and Mrs Thomas were proud of all the Rabbits taking part in Sports Day. All of the children showed great resilience and were great team players cheering their friends! Well done Rabbits!

Week beginning 17/06/24


Rabbits have been great artists! We connected our learning to the story Handa's surprise and decided to make a bowl for her to store her fruit! We discussed our designs first then had a go at making a bowl using clay.  Well done Rabbits for not giving up and having a go at a tricky skill!

Week beginning 10/06/24


Rabbits enjoyed a fun day with Hazel Wood on Tuesday. We did lots of fun activities where we could be creative and team players! We made friendship bracelets, a patchwork Elmer and enjoyed duck, duck, goose on the field! 

Week beginning 20/05/24


What a creative week for the Rabbits! We have been using our imagination to create headbands for our musical performance. Rabbits were making connections by using our knowledge of music in Brazil to make our own music to perform! Well done Rabbits and have a restful half term! smiley

Week beginning 13/05/24


What a creative week in Rabbits! We had some special visitors come in to play us their instruments including trumpet and guitar! We loved singing along to the music from the guitar. Rabbits have also been using their imagination to have a go at creating their own music from Brazil!



Week beginning 06/05/24


This week we have enjoyed the sunshine and lots of water play in our outdoor area! We have linked our learning to 'The boy who sailed the world' and created our own passports and postcards to send whilst on our travels! 

Week beginning 29/05/24


Rabbits have been exploring the 'Magic Train Ride' book. Rabbits have enjoyed exploring lots of different train activities. We have been very creative, using our imagination to create a map to show where our magic train would take us!

Week beginning 22/04/24


Rabbits took a dive under the sea this week! We read the book 'The Sea Saw' and discussed the journey the lost bear went on to find his way home. We explored the sea and different sea animals, using our imagination to create sea creature crafts!

Week beginning 15/04/24


It’s been a lovely first week back in Rabbits. We have been very creative during Music this week. We explored pitch making high and low sounds on the xylophone. We discussed how the shorter bars on the xylophone are higher sounds and the longer bars are lower sounds.

Week beginning 25/03/24


A wonderful week celebrating Easter in Rabbits. We were very creative, using our imagination to create an Easter bonnet at home for the Easter bonnet parade. We loved showing all our grown ups our amazing Easter hats! 

Week beginning 18/03/2024


Rabbits have been very resilient in their Maths learning this week. We have been self-confident when learning about arrangements to 10 and number bonds to 10 using 3 parts. We were very resourceful by using different mathematical resources to aid our learning. 

Week beginning 11/03/2024


What a wonderful week in Rabbit class. We had a special arrival on Monday - some duck eggs! We have watched them hatch over the week and got to see them swim today. We also gave them an extra special cuddle! 

Week beginning 04/03/2024


This week we celebrated World Book Day! The children dressed up as some amazing book characters and enjoyed lots of different reading activities throughout the day!

Week beginning 26/02/24


Rabbits were great bug hunters this week! We loved exploring the school garden to find lots of bugs and insects and tick them off our list.

Week beginning 19/02/24


This week the Rabbits have been exploring the numbers 9 and 10. We explored our outdoor area to find 9 and 10 objects and even had a go at writing the numbers!



Week beginning 05/02/24


Rabbits teleported into the future this week in a rocket! The children discussed their future goals and jobs they wish to have when they're older. 

Week beginning 29/01/24


We have been continuing our focus book 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Rabbits used props to help re-tell the story and made freeze frames to show key events in the book. 


Week beginning 22/01/24


Rabbits enjoyed reading 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' this week. Rabbits made their own porridge and voted for which was our favourite. We also enjoyed using the BeeBots to help the bears get back to their cottage.

Week beginning 15/01/24


We have been great scientists this week in Rabbits. We have been discussing what a habitat is and have been using our problem solving skills to discuss what animals live in each habitat. Rabbits have also been thinking outside the box this week when creating a junk model boat for the boy and penguin in our focus book 'Lost and Found'. 

Week beginning 08/01/24


We had a visit from the pantomime this week where they performed ‘Cinderella’. It was a very exciting story with lots of funny jokes and dancing too! We have also explored habitats this week and built an igloo for the polar bear to live in!

Week beginning 01/01/24


What a great first week back in Rabbits class. We were great gymnasts in P.E where we kept on trying to hold lots of different positions for as long as possible. We also explored our new book 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear?' and used different instruments to make all the animal noises. 
